The elbow joint is a complex hinge joint formed between the end of the humerus in the upper arm and the top ends of the ulna and radius bones in the forearm. The elbow allows for the flexion (bending) and extension (straightening) of the forearm relative to the upper arm, as well as rotation of the forearm and wrist.
An extensive network of ligaments helps the elbow joint maintain good stability and an ability to resist high mechanical stresses, however it is susceptible to injury, particularly during falls, impact injuries and overuse injuries and is a common site of pain in many people.
Your expert Head2Toe physiotherapist will quickly identify the source of your problem and aid you in resolving your symptoms and prevent them from returning.
As always, if your Head2Toe therapist suspects your injury or problem to be beyond the scope of physiotherapy treatment, they will guide you on what investigations and scans to get and liaise with your GP in order to make sure you are receiving the best possible care.
Your experienced therapist will provide you with hands on specialised treatment for the full half hour session in your own room.